Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Just a boy

My youngest, N, is an active little guy. He has an imagination that puts mine to shame. He had big goals and dreams. He speaks the language of math. He loves any game he's allowed to play on an electronic device. He's also very random in the thoughts he chooses to share. They, often, have nothing to do what's going on. It's almost as if he's living in his own little world. What kiddos isn't though? ;)

Towards the end of last school year, N had some focus issues in class. He teacher and I discussed it and thought a few different things. 1. He's all boy. 2. It's the end of the school year. 3. He's an intelligent little guy and maybe he's getting bored. That was it.

Over the past summer, we noticed that N's attention span was getting shorter and shorter. Too much visual and audio stimuli throughout the day? That could be it. Maybe we need to wear him out by running around in the backyard or more trips to the park throughout the day. All of that worked for a little while. It wasn't until he began having trouble falling asleep at night that we really started to wonder what was going on.

The 2015-2015 years stated off great! N was excited about his class and his teacher! Nicholas was doing well, but again, was having some focus issues. His teacher and I discussed a few thing the we had noticed at home and she shared what she's been observing in school. Naturally, I look at N and see my child. So, what seems "normal" to me, is not going to look that way to other. To be more specific, the way he thinks. Now, I won't get into all of the details, but I am so very thankful to have this teacher in our lives. She's been a major help in figuring this out and getting started on the path to helping N and ourselves.

N told me one night before bed that he just had too much going on his head. He couldn't tell me what he wanted to because the words were "lost" in there somewhere. Bingo! He told us the most important things we needed to hear! His words were "lost". The best way it's been described to me is like playing a game of roulette. You spin, land on number/color and that's what you get. In N's mind, what he lands on is what he's sharing. Imagine being in one of those money blasters. The fan in on at full force and you are grabbing every dollar you can. That's what he's doing with his thought. They are zooming in a sea of knowledge and he is grabbing on to any thought he can.

Now we are faced with a few decisions regard the direction we go. We already adjusted his diet. He is very limited on artificial colors in foods and eating as little processed food as we can get away with. He's super picky when it comes to eating. That in itself made a noticeable difference. His time of electronic devices is limited. He gets a sold amount of physical activity throughout the day. We've incorporated essential oils into his daily life as well, duh! :) Cedarwood & Valor! Cedarwood is to help him relax and settle down at night and the valor is to help him stay focused during the school day. N has a cedarwood soap that he uses and we also diffuse cedarwood when it's time for bed. He settles down so much faster with the cedarwood going in the diffuser. In the morning, before school, we apply Valor to his wrists and back of neck or he wears his diffuser necklace or bracelet. The bracelet is a thick leather strap that we add two to three drops of Valor to. The necklace is a braided leather strap and we do the same thing with that. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! HUGE!

The main thing, right now, is figuring out how his mind is mapped out. How does N think? How does he process what he reads. hears, and sees? How can we help him get his thought out of his mouth and onto paper? We don't speak his language and he has limited understanding of our. We need to bridge that gap. It's very frustrating to him and upsetting to us, when we don't understand what point he's trying to get a cross. He recognizes what's going on and know we are aware. It's taking a lot of extra patience and explaining things from every which direction, but we are making progress. I know that we will have to make adjustments here and there with him. I am just thankful that we are doing right now, is helping. ONE STEP AT A TIME.
