Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A month???

I am slacking! Big time! It's been almost a month since my last post. That is no bueno!

Here is an update:

I've lost no weight or inches. Shame on me. I've been busy busy! That is absolutely no excuse, I know :(
So, as soon as I am off the computer, I will begin working on my meal plans for Friday-Wed. I usually do my grocery shopping on Friday and Wed. As much as I would like to only go once a week, I have 5 people in my house and 3 of them eat a LOT! By August 15, I am determined to be halfway to my goal, which is to be a healthier person. The reason I say halfway is because I know it's going to take a solid 6 months to my numbers (bp, blood-work, and such) where they need to be. My blood pressure is a battle everyday. I really overdid it with my sodium intake last week. It's just a struggle, really. I love food. Bad food. That's a problem that is going to take some time to deal with.

I've been volunteering my bum off, which has been fantastic! It's always very rewarding doing volunteer work! If you don't offer up your time to help someone or some organization out already, do it! You will not regret it!

Let's talk essential oils for a second. I know that many of y'all think I'm crazy with these oils. I promise you, I am not. Something that I have been hearing a lot of lately is how people are really becoming concerned with the hundreds of side-effects of prescription & OTC meds. I share those same concerns. There is a time and a place for western medicine. I will not argue that at all. However, there is a way to naturally help with common ailment without the use of OTC meds. Essential Oils. I made the investment 7 months ago, and I do  not know how we ever lived without them. For real!

I got into this business to share my love of Young Living Essential Oils. I want people to take the time to do some research and see just how awesome these oils are. I want people to try the oils. I want people to fall in love with these oil. Overall, I just want people to know that there is an alternative, and it's a great one.

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