Saturday, August 9, 2014


It happens every single day. Things are constantly changing. Some changes are minor, like what our favorite flavor of yogurt is this week. Other changes are huge, like packing up and moving across the world. It's real. Change is apart of our live.

I try to be a "go with the flow" kind of gal. That does not mean that's how I am all of the time. I said I try ;) Sometimes, things get stressful and a bit overwhelming. That's OK though. It's just part of life. I think where the real challenge come in, is handling change with grace. I use the term "grace" loosely. Reason being, what looks graceful on you, will not look quite as graceful on me. That too, is OK. Everyone's way of being graceful is distinctly unique to them.

We've had a lot of change in our home in that past few years. Moving, deaths in our family, gaining more children (my sisters in law), growing as individuals, learning about my level of patience and understanding, watching our children grow into their personalities, and so on. I woke up this morning thinking about how much our lives have changed just since being here. Our babies aren't babies anymore. They are more like miniature men. Thankfully, they don't stink...yet. My husband and I have changed tremendously as people. I've watched my sister in law begin to grow into the person she wants to be in life. We've meet some wonderful people. Now, that I'm really thinking about it, I am feeling a bit emotional knowing that we have less than a year here.

I've had several friends on FB participate in the 100 Happy Days challenge. It's where you post a picture, every day, of something that makes you happy. I really like that. Too many of us get wrapped up in daily life and forget to stop and appreciate things like the beauty of nature. What does change have to do with this? Everything. How about taking 5 minutes to look at the flowers. Take 20 minutes to read a chapter in a book. Pick up the phone and CALL, not text, someone that you love. Take the time to change the way you look at life. Make a point to enjoy something every single day.

We have some major changes headed our way. Some are great. Some, I'm on the fence about. Some of these changes will probably stress me out to the max. Life changes so quickly and I don't want to miss any of it. I want to appreciate the good, the bad, and the indifferent. We wouldn't be the people we are today without the constant changes in our lives. Starting today, I will be be joining the 100 Happy Days Challenge on Instagram. Find me: CVIGIL411

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