Saturday, June 21, 2014

Life as an oiler ;)

Last year, I gave essential oils a try. I am so thankful that I decided to do it! I'm not sure how we ever lived without them in our home before. Every single person that I've had a conversation with about essential oils is either extremely curious or already using them! I just spoke with a woman today about how much essential oils have changed her life. The are ENDLESS uses for essential oils. I am learning new things everyday! Whether you want them for medicinal purposes, massage therapy, chiropractic care, or just for scent, there is an oil for you! We have successfully fought off colds, sore throats, muscle soreness, allergies, and so much more! I'm even helping to keep my thyroid hormones balanced with essential oils!!!

I want to talk business! Y'all know that I am an independent consultant for Young Living. I am apart of an absolutely AMAZING team of women and men! Everyone is so supportive and always encouraging. When I started using essential oils, business was the furthest thing from my mind. I had been apart of a few home-based business before and wasn't too wild about the idea. It wasn't until a friend of mine asked about the business side, that I really looked into it. Looking couldn't hurt. Right? I'm so glad that I did. After much research and answered questions, I decided to give it a go. The best part to all of this was that I was using a product that I LOVE!

I've been working the business end for 9 months! I am blown away every month at the growth of my business and the company as a whole. To be honest, I am still surprised  at the results when I get a new oil and try it for the first time! ;) I have accomplished some personal goals that I thought were years away from happening. I am so excited to see what my business is looking like in 3 months. I am excited about the new friends that I am going to make. I am excited to share all about essential oils with people! I am even more excited to watch take the plunge with essential oils. I am excited to see more people take on this business! I am excited to be an oiler!

If any of y'all ever have questions about essential oils, Young Living, or about the business side, I am always available to chat :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

It's my favorite time of year!

School is out! The sun is shining! The boys are wild and crazy! It must be summer :) I swear that I have seasonal depression. If it is below 65 degrees, I cannot function properly. I need the warm air and the humidity. I'm such a happier and more productive person when the season is just right. Thankfully, living down south, the weather is just the way I like it a solid 7 months out of the year. We're a taking full advantage of the beautiful weather and spending lots of time outside!

Update on me:

The weight-loss has slowed, which it always does at some point. I am surprised and happy to report that I am 4 pounds away from the original goal I set for myself forever ago.

Weight: 159 pounds!

Arms: 11.75 inches

Waist: 31.5 inches

Bum: 41 inches

Thighs: 22

The inches are still coming off! I am so excited to see how my body is going to change throughout the next 8 weeks with incorporating some weight training and such :) My craving have finally started tapering off. I still want a beer and cookies every now and then but I've done well not caving in every time. Treat yourself every now and again though. Just because you are in the middle of a lifestyle change does not mean that you cannot enjoy a treat of you liking once in awhile :)

I've been getting lots of questions about what I am doing in regards to the weight loss. This wasn't planned. I knew that I needed to make some major changes for health reasons. My body decided for me when it was time to begin and here I am. I am making healthy choices, common sense. We are not following a diet plan as this is not a diet. This is a change in lifestyle. I am eating a tremendous amount of vegetables, fruits, and lean meat. That's it! Oh, and lots of water. I treat myself every now and then. I, thank goodness, have not had any issues with my stomach in two weeks and I really hope it continues.

The picture on the left was taken May 2013. The picture on the right was taken two weeks ago. That's a big difference!

Happy eating, y'all :)