Thursday, August 20, 2015

Like for real?

My cravings are tugging at me today! I want a loaf of bread and a cosmopolitan. Weird combo? I don't think so. Can you imagine me ordering that? Excuse me, sir. May I please have a fresh loaf of Italian bread and the strongest cosmo you can make? Ha! Protein shake it is!

I've been reading a lot of articles lately about eating without giving up all the foods that you love. If I go out to breakfast with my family on Sunday, I don't want to feel like I've taken two steps back by enjoying some french toast. I would also like to have a mimosa or two. It would probably be closer to 5, if I'm being honest. I love me some mimosas. The point is, I want to be able to enjoy these things! I am not willing to give up all the food and beverages that I love forever. I am willing, however, to work my behind off to get fit and stay healthy.

Since M and I got married, all those years ago, I have really grown to love cooking. I enjoy trying new recipes.Trying to get the boys to try something new is a little tricky. However, we've worked out a deal that they must try one bite. If they don't care for it, that's ok. Thank you for trying. M and I on the other hand, if we cooked it, we're eating it. I've been experimenting with breakfast lately and I've found that I really like scrambled eggs with a teaspoon of fresh salsa. Simple. Who would've thunk?

So, the whole point of this is food freedom! Awesome term right?!?! It's not mine. I did't come up with it. These articles that I've been reading have been from Eat to Perform. Never heard of it? The site is excellent and the articles just make sense! Their entire idea behind eating, performing, and everything in between Just. Makes. Sense. Check out this article about food freedom here: Food Freedom. One more thing I'd like to add, I've also learned from this site that I was not eating nearly as much as I need to. More on that later ;)

Speaking of eating, I wanted to share with y'all what I did with my protein shake today! It was delish and I needed a change.

1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1 cup unsweetened coconut or almond milk
1 drop of Young Living's Peppermint Essential Oil
Ice if you want
In the blender it goes! Enjoy!

Um, hello mint chocolaty goodness!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I Just Want to Eat Cake!

It's 9:42 and I am finishing my first cup of iced coffee. Guess what! I want cake, chocolate to be specific. Who doesn't want cake this early in the day?!?!

Once upon a time, I was a sophomore in college and took a nutrition class. One of the few things I remember from that class is our professor talking about the importance to keeping a food log. If we wanted to improve out eating habits, whether to lose/gain weight, we needed to take a long hard look at how we ate. After a few weeks of logging food choices, you a feel for you habits. Another thing we were asked to do is think about why we eat the things we do. Is it thought out? Is it out of convenience? Is it based off of craving? What it is?

Over the past two weeks, I have been keeping a log of what I eat on a daily basis. It's not pretty. To begin with, I don't eat enough. Did you know that not eating enough can be just a damaging to your body as eating too much? I never really put a lot of thought into that until now. Seriously, I hardly eat throughout the day, if at all. I can tell you when I do, I stuff my face. That's not pretty either. I think the worst part is, I have a TON of amazing recipes. I enjoy cooking. Yet, I'm not taking advantage of that.

Yesterday morning, I sat down and made my menu for the week. This week was all my planning. Next week, the boys will help. The boy will have the opportunity to learn how cook more than ramen noodles and mac n cheese over the course of this adventure :) I hope over time, that we establish a sold habit of meal planning and cooking together.

To give you an idea of how badly I've been eating, or not eating, here is the last few days of my log.
 Isn't this ridiculous? As you can see, coffee is the main component of my diet.  This morning, however, I stuck to my meal plan (day 1 woohoo) of oatmeal, a grapefruit, water, and coffee.

Monday morning I will begin with the fitness portion! Everything has to start on a Monday! Didn't you know?!?! I want to create and establish lifelong habits. I don't want a 30 or 90 day program that leaves me hanging at end. I don't want to "finish" and gain all my unhealthy habits back. There are lots of programs out there that work great for people, some of my close friends included. They just aren't for me. It may be that I don't have the motivation to keep up with them. Whatever the case, the advantage to having figured that out is that I have plenty of fitness dvds and protein powder to last a few months. I will be taking what I've learned from some of these programs along with what I learned in my own experiences and research to find a good fit for me. I want to eat right but also be able to enjoy the food that I love, within reason!

Like I said before, this is going to be a long process. Probably an ugly one too ;) I'll be sure to post any amazing recipes that I come across along with cool fitness video that I may like. While I finish me coffee, I'll be dreaming of the chocolate cake I may treat myself to in the next few days.