Our pastor used a car with a flat tire as an example for this lesson. The car, which was in near perfect condition, had one problem. It had a flat tire. It would seem like the flat tire would be a pretty easy fix. Right? Well, taking a deep look at ourselves and acknowledging what our "flat tires" are, is not always easy. It is not always an easy fix. What are the steps we need to take to get a flat tire fixed? If you're like me, the first step is to call my husband and say "I have a flat tire". I have now established that I have problem. The next step is to devise a plan to correct the problem. This for me, thankfully, is my husband just changing the tire. Done deal!
Looking at my life, I have several "flat tires". What person doesn't? Our individuality and struggles (both past and present) are what make us who we are today. One of my worst "flat tires" is food. I know that may sound a little funny to some of y'all, but I have a problem. I LOVE food. ALL FOOD. I am in love with all foods that are terrible for me. I eat when I am happy. I eat when I am sad. I eat when I'm feeling indifferent. Ironically, I don't care for cupcakes too much. For those that don't know, I am a baker. I specialize in cupcakes. I don't eat my own cupcakes though. That's just weird not that I'm really thinking about it.
Unfortunately, this food problem affects my health. I've struggled with high blood pressure since I gave birth to my oldest son. That's 10 years that I have been dealing with this. I'll get it under control and be good for awhile. Then I go on a food binge, and it's back at square one. This blood pressure problem is one I will deal with my entire life. I have family history that plays against my health. Everyone does. All the sugar and sodium that I consume, negatively impacts my health. I've done my research and I know what I need to do. Now, I just need to do it! Easier said than done. I've tried several things in the past like diet change, supplements, and exercise. Guess what! They all work! Crazy, I know ;) I just have a problem sticking to the plan!
I want to just throw this out here. I am 100% comfortable in my skin. Sure, I weigh a bit more that I should. I'm a few sizes bigger than I was when I got married. I came to terms with the fact that I will never be in a two piece again years ago. I have stretch marks. I have excess skin on my belly from my babies. Those two things in particular, tell a story of unconditional love for my children. I am proud of those marks and skin! I don't feel well though. I have good days and I have bad, just like you. So, a whole new lifestyle is about to be implemented. I need to get healthy. Not skinny and super ripped, but healthy. I need to feed my body what it needs, clean foods. I need to continue to supplement because I will never eat enough veggies. I need to exercise every day.
Basically, what it all boils down to, is that I need to take the steps. I need to let go and let God handle my heart. I have admitted to a problem. Now, I need to use the strength He gives to correct the problem, one step at a time. I need to make the commitment to actually showing up to church every Sunday too. Church always motivates throughout the week.
Problem: FOOD
Plan: God, Church, lifestyle change (diet, supplements, exercise)
See what I did there? I put God first.
"I can do all things through him who gives me strength (Phil 4:13)" Take the step, He will be there to guide you, to motivate you, to see you through. These "flat tires" can only be fixed with His strength through you. Without that strength, I am stuck. When things get tough, or you are feeling discouraged, remember the verse! When you take a step forward and are afraid to take the next step, lean on Him and leap!
So yeah, that about sums it up. That did not flow together like it did in my head but y'all get my point! God bless!
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