Friday, January 31, 2014

Why I chose Young Living

Hi there. My name is Colleen and I am slightly obsessed with Young Living Essential Oils! Is this silly? No and I'll tell you why. These essential oils have changed our lives. Seriously. I cannot tell you the last time I took an OTC medicine. There have been no doctors appoints for the colds, stomach bugs, sore throats, nothing. I haven't had to reach a pill for a migraine in months! MONTHS!

This journey started out with a friend introducing me to the oils. Naturally, I was skeptical and wanted to do my own research. There is way too much bad information about essential oils and companies. This company is better than that one. This company has a wacko for a leader. This company's people stole this, that, or the other thing. Bottom line, I wanted something natural. I wanted something legit. What I found out what rather disturbing. So many of the essential oils, and I mean a vast majority, are adulterated! This means that something, most likely gross chemicals, are added to the oil. There only has to be a small percentage, and I mean SMALL, of the actual oil in the bottle for it to be considered "pure". Ridiculous, I know!  You really need to do the research for yourselves. I can tell you all about what I found, but you are the one that has to make an informed decision! All I can tell you is that I trust, wholeheartedly, Young Living. Basically, this is what it boils down to: Young Living is the ONLY company that guarantees it's oils to be non-adulterated 100% PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE
Young Living has a Seed to Seal guarantee!    

"The Seed to Seal Process 
Delivers Young Living 
Therapeutic Grade™ Oils
Seed to Seal can be summarized 
in five steps: 

Seed Essential oils that work come 
from plants whose species have 
been authenticated by Young Living 
experts. Species certification involves 
scientific research, field study, university 
partnerships, and on-site planting 

Cultivate Young Living has four farm 
locations where we learn the best 
growing and harvesting methods. 
With this knowledge, Young Living 
travels the globe visiting co-op farms 
to certify their growing processes. 

Distill Combining ancient and 
modern techniques, Young Living 
is recognized as an essential oil 
distillation innovator. 

Test Each essential oil must pass 
Young Living’s stringent specifications 
to ensure the optimal bioactive natural 
compounds are present in each 
essential oil. Young Living uses its own 
internal labs plus third-party laboratories 
to verify every essential oil exceeds 
international standards. 

Seal Young Living completes the Seed 
to Seal process by carefully handling 
large volumes of essential oils to be 
individually bottled and shipped to 
members worldwide"


After all the research I conducted and studying the Seed to Seal process, I chose Young Living. I sure am glad I did :)

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